Deep East Texas Self Insurance Fund (DETSIF) in partnership with Aspen Risk Management Group (Aspen) are experts in Workplace Safety, Loss Control and Ergonomics. Services are tailored for members needs and can range from one-on-one loss control to delivering safety training and conducting remote ergonomic assessments.
We work to identify hazards and provide an abundance of support and resources to help prevent injuries and losses. Using a combination of knowledge and human insight our solutions can significantly help reduce both the frequency and severity of losses.
WORKPLACE SAFETY services range from written safety plans, training and coaching, to
onsite safety visits.
LOSS CONTROL services focus on reviewing your loss history and safety programs to help prevent injuries and illness.
ERGONOMIC certified professionals provide remote assessments and other ergonomic services for work or home offices. Live webinars, Train-the-Trainer, and access to an Online Ergonomic Resource Center and Safety Coach.
DETSIF members receive safety resources and quarterly newsletters that contain current information on injury prevention. Call us for details…
Download our Saftey Services flyer here