Workplace Violence Situational Awareness / Becoming
Jason Bourne/ Active Shooter
September 28, 2022
The intent of this workshop is to provide guidance on preparing and dealing with workplace violence situations.
The workshop’s presentation is available here. (Note: Each time you watch the presentation you will need to register; however, you can watch unlimited times.)
After pressing play, please allow the video up to 5 minutes to load. You must unmute the video to hear the presentation.
The workshop PDF is available here.
Workers’ Compensation 201
March 31, 2022
This webinar provided DETSIF’s members with an in-depth analysis of workers’ compensation.
The webinar PowerPoint presentation is available here.
Related Forms:
Workers’ Compensation 101
July 12, 2021
This webinar provided DETSIF’s members with a general overview of workers’ compensation.
The webinar PowerPoint presentation is available here.
COVID-19 and Workers Compensation Claims.
April 13, 2021
Deep East Self-Insurance Fund (DETSIF) held its inaugural membership outreach video with a huge success. Here is the presentation to listen/view. The webinar provided DETSIF’s members with an update on COVID-19 and how the virus has impacted DETSIF.
The webinar PowerPoint presentation is available here.
The Deep East Texas Self Insurance Fund offers a competitive workers’ compensation solution to meet the needs of Texas political subdivisions, while promoting safety and training, attending to the needs of injured workers, and providing ease of access to all services.
We strive to serve our members by offering training and education to better protect employees from workplace injury and provide peace of mind when an incident does occur.
Service: The backbone of our organization is the ability to connect with our membership and understand why we were created to serve.
Safety: Our members have access to resources necessary to promote a culture that enhances a safe working environment, thus helping them lower losses.
Integrity: As a local government pool formed under Chapter 791 of the Texas Government Code, we rise to the ethical standards and act as good stewards of public funds and assets.
Expertise: As one of the oldest risk pools in the State of Texas we have the knowledge and experience to do things the right way.
Collaboration: Our team and service providers work efficiently together with a common goal in mind: serving our members and their employees.